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Volkswagen Golf 7 LCD Digital Dashboard Speedometer
For Golf 7, Golf 7 GTI, Golf Sportsvan 2014-2020
Upgrade your Volkswagen dashboard with a stylish Digital Dashboard Cluster Speedometer. It gives your car a modern look and makes your driving experience smoother and more enjoyable.
Key Features:
Powered by a Linux operating system for enhanced stability and faster performance, it enables the Golf Digital Dashboard to achieve a fast boot time in under 2 seconds.
Fully compatible with the original vehicle information display and steering wheel controls.
Digital Dashboard has high 1920*780px screen resolution.
HDMI input for screen mirroring and cast functions
Plug and Play: Easy to install – no need to program
Digital Dashboard Virtual Cockpit functions
Consumption Display
Shows real-time fuel consumption to help you drive more efficiently.
Digital Dashboard Customization
Customize the location of fuel consumption data and view additional details, such as average consumption
Music Information
Digital Dashboard displays real-time music information, including song title, artist and album art
Tire Pressure
See real-time pressure information only if your car is equipped with tire pressure sensors.
Gear and Speed Display
Digital Dashboard Speedometer provides drivers with clear, real-time information on the current gear and vehicle speed, ensuring precise control and enhancing the driving experience.
Navigation Display
Sync your phone with the Digital Dashboard to share your navigation screen and access information effortlessly
Sport mode
Customize your Dashboard screen
Išmano savo darbą.Arnoldas Šatinskas2024-06-12Bought for my F-Type, I use Android. Works great, the guys are quick to reply to any questions and provide great support.Donal Lawless2024-06-10Good product and awesome support. I received the product within a few days, although I live in the neighboring country so the delivery was quick. They assisted me during the installation via emails and phone. Also helped me to fix the screen issue by sending instruction on how to update the software. Would definetly recommend them.Vladimirs Tančiks2023-11-29Nesu toks automobilistas, kaip daugelis. Man ne tiek svarbu variklis ir ratai, kiek visokie elektroniniai patobulinimai. Todėl geriausia investicija į mano GLE 350de laikau iš CarPlay nupirktą Carlinkit T-box. Šis daikčiukas pakeitė mano automobilį, galiu ne tik klausytis podkastus iš savo Spotifajaus, nusiimti signalizaciją, atidaryti vartus ar prieš atvažiuojant įsijungti pirtelę... Pabandžiau – galiu žiūrėti TV ir atsisukti laidas, tik nėra tam poreikio, bet malonu, kai gali paklausyti radijo kitoje pasaulio pusėje į kur ruošiesi vykti. Tačiau naudojantis pastebėjau problemėles, kurios trukdė pilnam džiaugsmui. Kai kurios programėlės automobilyje nevisada draugavo su visomis automobilio garso kolonėlėmis, komandomis balsu ir automobilio jutiminiu ekranu. Perinstaliavimas ir t.t. nepadėjo. Buvau pripratęs, kad su tokiom problemėlėm gali kiek nori važiuoti į Kauno ar Vilniaus MB centrus – nieko nepasieksi. CarPlay požiūris buvo kitoks. Iš gamintojų gavo nurodymus, ką kur atnaujinti, o ir patiems teko pasukti galvą ir dabar viskas veikia 100%. Dar vienas netikėtumas - už tai nepaėmė pinigų. Tos klaidelės tikrai ne jų problema, o kitų programuotojų pilnai nesuderintos programos. Tai darant Marius tikrai įgijo patirties ir sekantiems jų klientams kelias į pilnutinį džiaugsmą bus daug tiesesnis.Vigantas Vėbra2023-09-19Amazing service. It was very difficult to find the right unit for my car. So I arrived to them and we went through many options and found the right one. Thank you so much, after more than six months CarPlay is working great.Maksims Mislins2023-09-15Very good product Very good aftersale, had a little problem with the installing but they where very helpfullJoël Helsen2023-07-20Puikiai atlieka savo darbą, jau ne pirmą kartą padėjo su android auto integracija į mano turimus automobilius, ir šiuo atveju BMW F30 veikia tobulai, kilus neaiškumams viską nuodugniai paaiškino ir padėjo. Tik geriausios rekomendacijos!Mantas Brazdauskis2023-04-19Excellent sales and followup service. Shipped the SMEG carplay unit for my Peugeot 308 Gt-line to us directly in South Africa from Lithuania in 4 days. The unit works extremely well.John Crain2023-04-17Tik geriausi atsiliepimai. Sudeti ortakiai. Greit tvarkingai. Mandagus bendravimas. 10 balu :)Rimvydas Genys2023-03-05Amazing service. Very friendly and nice people. Provided live demonstration of all the products available. I left the car in the morning and it was ready with CarPlay in the evening. Highly recommended.Lord Brar2023-02-23
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